Tales of Everyday Magic-Entanglement
by Khana Dias LMT
by Khana Dias LMT
“Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve”-Maxwell Planck
Every so often you come across a movie that grabs your attention helping to bridge the understanding of the science behind quantum physics and everyday life's mysterious events. Tales of Everyday Magic ~ Entanglement, for sure did exactly that.
This was my inspiration to write this blog since just a few days before watching this movie I had a session with one of my clients where I had a premonition that struck the invisible cord of energy change. Also, what started as bringing light to a few short life events of my own, all of a sudden these events spiraled into so much more. Asking questions from different angles, quantum entanglement threw many other energy cords of possibilities into the mix.
Every so often you come across a movie that grabs your attention helping to bridge the understanding of the science behind quantum physics and everyday life's mysterious events. Tales of Everyday Magic ~ Entanglement, for sure did exactly that.
This was my inspiration to write this blog since just a few days before watching this movie I had a session with one of my clients where I had a premonition that struck the invisible cord of energy change. Also, what started as bringing light to a few short life events of my own, all of a sudden these events spiraled into so much more. Asking questions from different angles, quantum entanglement threw many other energy cords of possibilities into the mix.
“In 1944, Max Planck, the father of quantum theory, shocked the world by saying that there is a “matrix” of energy that provides the blueprint for our physical world. It is this place of pure energy where everything from the birth of stars and the DNA of life, to our deepest relationships, the peace between nations and our personal healing begins.”
Edgar Cayce who has been called the "sleeping prophet," the "father of holistic medicine," and the most documented psychic of the 20th century, "suggest that each of us writes the story of our lives through our thoughts, our deeds, and our interactions with the rest of creation. This information has an effect on us in the here and now. In fact, the Akashic Records have such an impact upon our lives and the potentials and probabilities we draw toward us that any exploration of them cannot help but provide us with insights into the nature of ourselves and our relationship to the universe."
Edgar Cayce who has been called the "sleeping prophet," the "father of holistic medicine," and the most documented psychic of the 20th century, "suggest that each of us writes the story of our lives through our thoughts, our deeds, and our interactions with the rest of creation. This information has an effect on us in the here and now. In fact, the Akashic Records have such an impact upon our lives and the potentials and probabilities we draw toward us that any exploration of them cannot help but provide us with insights into the nature of ourselves and our relationship to the universe."
Untangling the matrix with few terms.
- Quantum- the smallest quantity of some physical property, such as energy, that a system can possess according to the quantum theory.
- Quantum theory-is the theoretical basis of modern physics that explains the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level.
- Quantum Entanglement- is the strange phenomenon in which two quantum particles become so deeply linked that they share the same existence. When this happens, a measurement of one particle immediately influences the other, regardless of the distance between them. Einstein called this Spooky Action at a Distance
- Consciousness- a simple definition is a state of being awake and aware of what is going on around you. However as per The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy...well let's just say, be ready to explore the rabbit hole of Conscious Entanglement much deeper.
- Quantum Consciousness-group of hypotheses proposes that classical mechanics cannot explain consciousness. It posits that quantum mechanical phenomena, such as quantum entanglement and superposition, may play an important part in the brain's function and could form the basis of an explanation of consciousness, 6th sense.
- Akashik Records or "The Book of Life" - can be equated to the universe's supercomputer system. It is this system that acts as the central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth. It is also known as each persons personal library of information from past and future.
- Entanglement is a movie based on the teachings of New York Times best-selling author Gregg Braden, exploring the exciting world of quantum physics through the experiences of twin brothers. These brothers, Charlie and Jack Franklin, have always experienced life differently than your average brothers. As children, each was able to sense when the other was in danger, when the other was sad, or when the other was happy. However, as adults take different paths, Jack has a frightening vision in his sleep. Jolting from the nightmare, he begins his quest to get in touch with his brother Charlie. Along the way, he encounters his high-school physics teacher, who helps him understand the connection the brothers have and the larger universal oneness of which we are all a part of.
Connecting dots of our everyday reality and questioning quantum information with our conscious or unconscious thoughts and feeling.
- Are Hollywood movies, media, talk shows, and education a part of our everyday entanglement as it runs parallel to our lives opening our hearts and mind to thinking, or planting seeds inspiring us to question our existence another step further?
- If we were to look at each one of us on a proton level, can we agree that what is happening to one individual, the opposite or the same situation is happening to the other?
- Feelings or premonitions that something good or bad is about to happen, is the information being sent through the invisible energy cord which connects us all?
- Furthermore, if the premonition is bad, and we start praying over it is it possible that we can change the outcome of the event?
- When we think of someone that we have not seen or talked to in a long time and strangely either we end up running into them or hearing from them in a matter of minutes, hours, or days. Were they thinking of us 1st sending us the message or vice versa?
- Or maybe if you are working with people in a medical or therapeutic profession like myself, you might be more in-tuned with people's energy and might have felt good vibes in healing or bad ones. Is the information correct?

12/21/1987 A dear friend and I were in a serious car accident. I was a passenger in my friend’s car when we were hit head-on by a 14-year-old boy who took his grandmother's car for a joyride. Sadly, his joyride ended up in a police chase and as he went around the bend lost control and crashed into us head-on. I remember coming in and out of consciousness after the impact and being in so much pain trying to lift my friend who was unconscious off my leg. My leg ended up being broken in a few places, along with many other injuries. My friend suffered a concussion and some bruises, but Thank God was OK.
However, as the firefighters were cutting doors off the car to get us out, my mom woke up from her sleep on the other side of town with a feeling that something awful had happened and as she woke up, minutes later she received a call from the police, informing her about the accident and that I was being transported to a trauma hospital.
Goes back to the question… How did my mom get a feeling of something bad has happened that woke her up from her sleep? Was it my mother's instinct that she felt the pain I was experiencing, or did I unconsciously send her the message that I am hurt?
To add more entanglement to this story, over the years I always wondered what happened to the kid who hit us. Hoping that his life path would also have changed for the better, as this was the case for me. So in 2014 I looked for him and found someone who fit his profile on FB. I sent him a message asking if this was him and if it was, how he was doing. Sadly, I didn't hear back from him at that time.
However, 2 years later exactly at the time while I was writing this blog, I got a message back confirming that this was him. It was so good to connect and after a long chat, both of us were able to put some closure on this day. Stay tuned for another blog about untangling the Butterfly Effect of how our lives turned the corner from that unfortunate incident of time.
However, as the firefighters were cutting doors off the car to get us out, my mom woke up from her sleep on the other side of town with a feeling that something awful had happened and as she woke up, minutes later she received a call from the police, informing her about the accident and that I was being transported to a trauma hospital.
Goes back to the question… How did my mom get a feeling of something bad has happened that woke her up from her sleep? Was it my mother's instinct that she felt the pain I was experiencing, or did I unconsciously send her the message that I am hurt?
To add more entanglement to this story, over the years I always wondered what happened to the kid who hit us. Hoping that his life path would also have changed for the better, as this was the case for me. So in 2014 I looked for him and found someone who fit his profile on FB. I sent him a message asking if this was him and if it was, how he was doing. Sadly, I didn't hear back from him at that time.
However, 2 years later exactly at the time while I was writing this blog, I got a message back confirming that this was him. It was so good to connect and after a long chat, both of us were able to put some closure on this day. Stay tuned for another blog about untangling the Butterfly Effect of how our lives turned the corner from that unfortunate incident of time.

Fast forward 29 years later.
My son gets into an accident. Hitting a truck in the rear and went right under it. Miraculously walked away with just a few scratches on him and hardly making a dent in the truck.
The night before the accident, my mother-in-law had a premonition something bad would happen. She couldn't get to sleep because she felt unsettled and prayed for her kids' and grandkids' safety.
So, could my mother-in-law have changed the outcome of my son walking away with just a few scratches on him after this accident?
My son gets into an accident. Hitting a truck in the rear and went right under it. Miraculously walked away with just a few scratches on him and hardly making a dent in the truck.
The night before the accident, my mother-in-law had a premonition something bad would happen. She couldn't get to sleep because she felt unsettled and prayed for her kids' and grandkids' safety.
So, could my mother-in-law have changed the outcome of my son walking away with just a few scratches on him after this accident?
Additionally, there is another phenomenon where the body stores memory on the cellular level or creates Energy Cyst, a term coined by Dr. John E Upledger and biophysicist Dr. Zvi Karni. They led to the discovery that the body often retains the imprint of physical forces from accidents, injuries, and emotional shock. When an accident occurs, the energy of the accident enters the body. This fits with the laws of thermodynamics, which tell us that energy cannot be created or destroyed and that energy can only be transferred or changed from one form to another.
Therapies like CranioSacral Therapy, Massage, Reiki, and Acupuncture are just a few therapies to mention that help change the stagnant energy in the body. When there is a release of long-held tension patterns, there is often a noticeable “unlocking” or “unwinding” sensation that the client or therapist, or both feel.
With permission from my clients, here are a few examples of these vibrations that I have felt when doing Therapeutic Massage and CranioSacral Therapy:
Entanglement of life will always be beyond the scientific formulas creating many outcomes of our reality. Perhaps the force is the question when Maxwell Planck said: "All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force...We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter" and when we connect to the Resonsnce Frequency of the question with our inner guide of Mind-Body-Spirit, we in turn create Resonance in Action as Greg Braden describes this to be an exchange of energy between two things. It’s a two-way experience, allowing each “something” to come into balance with the other."
If you made it to the end and it struck the invisible cords of your own reality, I would love to hear your stories. Please comment bellow sharing your tales of entanglement. Thank You!
Therapies like CranioSacral Therapy, Massage, Reiki, and Acupuncture are just a few therapies to mention that help change the stagnant energy in the body. When there is a release of long-held tension patterns, there is often a noticeable “unlocking” or “unwinding” sensation that the client or therapist, or both feel.
With permission from my clients, here are a few examples of these vibrations that I have felt when doing Therapeutic Massage and CranioSacral Therapy:
- In most of my sessions, there are few holds that I do to feel for energy flow in the spine. One of the holds is, when a client is prone, I place one hand on the neck area & the other on the Sacrum and wait for any feeling of myofascial unwinding. Many times there will be a shift in the hip area or shoulders. However, in this particular case, there was a trembling sensation in the sacrum area that came through as though there was an earthquake going on. Knowing that my client is from California, the question became; was she in an earthquake that might have had an impact on her body creating this Energy Cyst? Continuing to hold my hands feeling through the movement, the Energy released and after the session, I asked her if she was in any earthquakes recently or in the past. She looked at me with a puzzled look and said that when she was coming back from vacation, just a few weeks before her session, there was a 5.2 earthquake that hit. She said everything shook but luckily there was no major damage.
- Another similar session was one of the feelings that had come through, that happened to my client many years ago. When my hands were on her stomach there was a sensation of a baby moving. Any mother who had kids of her own would be able to detect this movement as it is more unique than just stomach rumbling. Knowing that my client was not pregnant, the question became; was there a possible loss of a fetus that might have happened and the body created this Energy Cyst?
- When I looked up at my client, tears were rolling down her face. I asked if she was OK and she replied that she was and that she had no idea why she became so emotional all of the sudden. I could not find the right words to ask the question so instead while my hands were on her stomach I recentered myself visualizing a healing light around her and myself, holding gentle space through the movement and feeling the stomach relax while the movement subsided.
- After the session, I asked if she ever had a miscarriage. She responded that she did but it was a long time ago and she has not given it much thought about it.
- Then there was a session when I held my hands on the client's shoulders, a quick white flash feeling came through regarding their health or someone close to them. Understanding Akashik Records, that each of us is here to learn our lessons, and no matter how heartbreaking it might be to feel this intuition you also have to question the reality of this feeling. So in my heart and mind, I asked for their bodies to connect to their inner light and guide them through their higher purpose. By the end of the session, there was a calm energy of shift that felt at peace. I don't know exactly what that may mean but it something in that moment transpired. When I was done I wanted to ask this client if they were aware of any health issues going on however something said not to bring anything up and only share the information if they asked. Which they didn't.
Entanglement of life will always be beyond the scientific formulas creating many outcomes of our reality. Perhaps the force is the question when Maxwell Planck said: "All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force...We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter" and when we connect to the Resonsnce Frequency of the question with our inner guide of Mind-Body-Spirit, we in turn create Resonance in Action as Greg Braden describes this to be an exchange of energy between two things. It’s a two-way experience, allowing each “something” to come into balance with the other."
If you made it to the end and it struck the invisible cords of your own reality, I would love to hear your stories. Please comment bellow sharing your tales of entanglement. Thank You!
Good movies to watch:
Tales of Everyday Magic-Entanglement
What the Bleep Do We Know
The Shift
Peaceful Warrior
The Lake House
The Age of Adaline