Road to Wellness
by Khana Dias
Few weekends ago my son came home from college pretty sick. Being a concerned mother of a kid who is also a Type 1 diabetic, first thing I did was put my investigative hat on to assess the situation and come up with some natural remedies that we have done in the past. Also we added few more as we went along.
We had a 3 day weekend to get him better before sending him back to ASU and attacked this bug full force, No Time Wasted! With few natural treatments and much laughter it was a Priceless weekend for all of us to remember.
by Khana Dias
Few weekends ago my son came home from college pretty sick. Being a concerned mother of a kid who is also a Type 1 diabetic, first thing I did was put my investigative hat on to assess the situation and come up with some natural remedies that we have done in the past. Also we added few more as we went along.
We had a 3 day weekend to get him better before sending him back to ASU and attacked this bug full force, No Time Wasted! With few natural treatments and much laughter it was a Priceless weekend for all of us to remember.

Assessing the situation
- We knew he was not feeling good for few days already
- He didn't know for sure if he had a fever at school but said it did feel like it. (College kids don't think to check)
- Symptoms were achy muscles, stuffy nose, sore throat, coughing and having chest congestion/difficulty taking in deep breaths.
Assuming that this was either a cold or flu and most likely only time would make him better, hydrating his body was the 1st most important part of recovery.
Hydrating with Multivitamins & Electrolytes
Hydrating with Multivitamins & Electrolytes
- Twice a day he was taking Oxylent in a 2cup glass of water.
- 3 times a day he would take a small pinch of Makai sea salt, let it dissolve in his mouth then drank water after. This helps to absorb the water into the body more efficiently. For more information of the importance of water & salt in our bodies click here (lecture by Barbara O'neill)
- Lemon tea that we made from lemon peels and added Raw Local Honey to it.
Recipe for Lemon Tea: Take the peels of 4 to 5 lemons add 6 cups of water, bring it to a boil for 5 minutes. Then lower the heat and let it simmer for 45min. If it's to bitter for your taste, you can always diluted with water. (Whenever I squeeze lemons, oranges or grapefruit I use the peels to make tea. This is another great way to hydrate the body and get Vitamin C in.) |
Healthy eating is extremely important when you are not feeling well. So we made:
- Homemade onion soup that he ate one day and vegetable soup the next day. Used all fresh ingredients (nothing frozen, caned or packaged)
- Garlic sandwiches best antibiotic. Slices of homemade bread put olive oil, chopped garlic, slice of tomato and avocado. Yum!!! Had few of those
- We live in a world of many processed snacks so even though we kept most of his food intake to a healthy one however snacks was a different story. Still working on that one!
- Cupping Therapy (This is a therapy that my mom used to do on me when I was little to help me get over bronchitis or any respiratory issues that I would get every winter, yes I was one of those always sick kids in the family)
- Did a Raindrop technique on his feet using 9 different essential oils on each foot.
- CranioSacral Therapy to bring balance to the body
- Did onion poultice (lecture by Barbara O'neill on poultices) around the neck and chest
- Repeated the essential oils on the feet
3rd day
With every one of these treatments there was lots of joking and laughing going on which is good for the Soul. My kid was a good sport in letting me do this to him. The best part he took Advil only once while being home, which was due to his fever going up to 102. However by the time Monday came around he felt 90% better continuing with Oxylent, Makai sea salt and water and back to College dorm he went.
Growing up in Russia, medicine was not as available to us as it is here in the states. My parents did a lot of natural therapies including going to Palanga Sea every summer. They did this not just for vacation but because it was doctors recommendation for treatment for my yearly bronchitis. Can you imagine that?!? My mom told me that the most well known doctor in our small town told her, that salty air and the Pine trees that surrounded the beaches was good for the immune system and would help reduce the respiratory infections that I was getting every year.
Now living in a country where so much is available to us from different types of food to supplements and therapies, and yes even the oceans, it does not have to cost a fortune for us to get back to the basics. All of these therapies that I mention above is something anyone can do.
We have been so conditioned to go to the doctors at the 1st sign of illness and taking prescription meds, that sometimes just good old hydration and a change in diet with few supplements can boost the healing process much faster.
Hippocrates once said "If you dismiss and neglect the experience of the ancients and believe that you will find the right path only in the newest treatments, you fool yourself and the people around you."
And of course... do not dismiss going to the doctors as in some cases it is necessary to rule out anything else more serious.
If you have any question or have any other home remedies that you would like to share please comment bellow or email me. Thank You and Best of Health to All!
Growing up in Russia, medicine was not as available to us as it is here in the states. My parents did a lot of natural therapies including going to Palanga Sea every summer. They did this not just for vacation but because it was doctors recommendation for treatment for my yearly bronchitis. Can you imagine that?!? My mom told me that the most well known doctor in our small town told her, that salty air and the Pine trees that surrounded the beaches was good for the immune system and would help reduce the respiratory infections that I was getting every year.
Now living in a country where so much is available to us from different types of food to supplements and therapies, and yes even the oceans, it does not have to cost a fortune for us to get back to the basics. All of these therapies that I mention above is something anyone can do.
We have been so conditioned to go to the doctors at the 1st sign of illness and taking prescription meds, that sometimes just good old hydration and a change in diet with few supplements can boost the healing process much faster.
Hippocrates once said "If you dismiss and neglect the experience of the ancients and believe that you will find the right path only in the newest treatments, you fool yourself and the people around you."
And of course... do not dismiss going to the doctors as in some cases it is necessary to rule out anything else more serious.
If you have any question or have any other home remedies that you would like to share please comment bellow or email me. Thank You and Best of Health to All!
Disclaimer: The information on this Web site is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your doctor. Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have.